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Vudu Sister
18 Aprile 2024 ore 22.00 Marla - Via Bartolo, 11, PERUGIA (PG)
Vudu Sister is a dark folk ensemble from Providence, Rhode Island.
Anyone “Having Trouble Sleeping”? or want to understand “Non-Euclidean Geometry”? Vudu Sister has the answers.
The Sister is fronted by French-American singer/songwriter Keith J.G McCurdy with Sicilian, and Romanichal roots. The Sister features Diane O’Connor on violin and Isabel Castellvi on cello.
The music takes influences from early 90s grunge, alternative rock, Romani music, European folk, as well as gothic rock and Romantic-era classical music. Literary influences range from the high fantasy works of J.R.R. Tolkien, the weird fiction of H.P Lovecraft, and the poetry and myths of classical antiquity and medieval Europe.

Keith J. G. McCurdy, keithjgmccurdy
Diane O’Connor, DianeViolin
Isabel Castellvi, cellobell

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